Research Techniques
Open Question Definition
Open ended questions are questions that require an answer more than just 'yes' or 'no', they require a bigger answer, a more in-depth description. Some questions can be one considering what one plans to do, or what one plans to not do, something that would require something to back it up to make a good point out of it.
Example - What do you plan to do after college?
Closed Question Definition
Closed ended questions are almost the opposite of open ended questions, they actually are usually responded with a 'yes' or 'no' answer. The questions are usually considering how someone sees something, asking their opinion when the answer can be explained by simply responding with yes or no, without needing an in-depth description.
Example - Will you please do me a favour?
Place an X next to your answer.
1) Which of the consoles below do you use?
PS4 -
Xbox One -
Xbox 360 - The Xbox 360
PS3 -
2) How many hours do you spend on a console a day?
0-2 hours -
3-5 hours -3-5 hours
6-8 hours -
9-12 hours -
More, apparently -
3) What is your favourite genre of game? Write your answer and description below.
Action and thriller.
4) What is the worst game you played? Write your answer and description below.
Alien colonial marines.
5) What is the best game you played? Write your answer and description below.
6) What is the reason you play games? Write your answer and description below.
I enjoy the story lines and the graphics of the games.
7) What age certificate do you play the most?
3 -
7 -
12 -
16 -x
18 - x
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